Earthquake hazard zoning of India
The Indian subcontinent has a history of devastating earthquakes. The major reason for the high frequency and intensity of the earthquakes is that the Indian plate is driving into Asia at a rate of approximately 47 mm/year.
Geographical statistics of India show that almost 54% of the land is vulnerable to earthquakes.
A World Bank & United Nations report shows estimates that around 200 million city dwellers in India will be exposed to storms and earthquakes by 2050.
The earthquake zoning map of India divides India into 4 seismic zones (Zone 2, 3, 4 and 5) unlike its previous version which consisted of five or six zones for the country. According to the present zoning map, Zone 5 expects the highest level of seismicity whereas Zone 2 is associated with the lowest level of seismicity.

It is referred to as the Very High Damage Risk Zone. The state of Kashmir,the western and central Himalayas, the North-East Indian region and the Rann of Kutch fall in this zone.
Zone 4 This zone is called the High Damage Risk Zone and covers areas liable to MSK VIII.The Indo-Gangetic basin and the capital of the country (Delhi), Jammu and Kashmir fall in Zone 4.

Zone 2 This region is liable to MSK VI or less and is classified as the Low Damage Risk Zone. The IS code assigns zone factor of 0.10 (maximum horizontal acceleration that can be experienced by a structure in this zone is 10% of gravitational acceleration) for Zone 2.
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